After two studio days, the artists of friendly soundforms spent two intense days at and with the floating organism(s).

We listened to our surroundings and identified all kinds of organisms and their niches (birds, waters, humans, bees, reeds, Neuköllner Oper, to name a few), as well as made and recorded sounds we introduced into the environment by means of mallets as well as our electronic live coding setup.

On the second day, we were accompanied by Christian und Kevin from Barner16. They brought their cameras and will do a making-of video of our activities.

Friendly Soundforms is part of TRANSFORM — inklusives Raumlabor, a project of EUCREA funded by Aktion Mensch, Musikfond, Friedrich Stiftung, Mara&Holger Cassens Stiftung, Rudolf Augstein Stiftung, Claussen Simon Stiftung, and Gabriele Fink Stiftung.