This is us as a band at noisy rooms at RAW.
In our studio we spent a day listening back to recordings of our previous engagement with floating – and playing with them with Systems∿Encounter.
After free improvisations (solo and in groups) we also played some tasks and ended with a fast round of rotating through the different positions in our setup: programming in steno, mixing (interfering with the programming decisions), adding samples into the mix via ableton (interfering with both of the latter) and influencing the sounds by playing with the camera (interfering with them all), programming in steno (interfering with the sample playing), and so on.
Playing together in such a way can be frustrating, since things don’t usually go as a single player wants them to go. There is no centraliset decision-making, but constant negotiation. Giving space to single players, to the sound developing by itself, to emerging duos, etc. are challenges in this process. They are also the potency of it, powerful skills based on listening.
Friendly Soundforms is part of TRANSFORM — inklusives Raumlabor, a project of EUCREA funded by Aktion Mensch, Musikfond, Friedrich Stiftung, Mara&Holger Cassens Stiftung, Rudolf Augstein Stiftung, Claussen Simon Stiftung, and Gabriele Fink Stiftung.